Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Perfect Lunch For Brandi

Brandi takes her lunch to school every day.  This isn't news to most of you.  I think I have complained once or twice before about having to pack up her lunch every morning.  It can get expensive buying juice boxes, snacks, sandwich meats, breads, yogurts, and all the things she likes to take.  There have been times when she has asked for me to buy her those pre-packages lunches, but to be honest, they never really looked like complete meals to me.

That all changed a couple of weeks ago when I was asked to review one of the new Lunchables selections.  I went into the grocery store with some preconceived reservations, and was pleasantly surprised when I saw the new varieties.  They are entire meals, complete with main entree, snacks, and drink.  I didn't have Brandi with me, but I knew she would love the chicken strips, so I got that one.

I was really impressed with what came in the meal.  The chicken strips came with two different dipping sauces; ranch and barbecue.  It also had two different snacks; mandarin oranges and a crispy rice treat.  I knew Brandi would love these, because I have been buying individual mandarin orange fruit cups for her since school started.  They are her favorite fruit.  The meal also came with a bottle of water, and a kool-aid partyin' punch fun fizz package to add to it. 

Brandi came home from school the day I put it in her lunchbox with a huge smile on her face.  She LOVED it!  At my local grocery store, these sell for around $3 each, which is pretty reasonable considering it is a complete meal.  I know I will be buying more for her in the months to come.  We might even try some of the other varieties.  I saw a turkey and cheddar sub on bread made with whole grain that I want to try.  That's another good thing about Lunchables...they are not just for kids!

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by  Mom Central on behalf of Lunchables and received the products necessary to  facilitate my review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me  for taking the time to participate."


Crystal said...

This would be PERFECT for William. He LOVES these things but they don't have this here yet. FIGURES! But, i'll be looking for them!

jenn said...

Crystal ~ I am really impressed with how much better these prepackaged meals have become. I remember when I was pregnant with Ryan, all they had were the ones that came with little round pieces of ham or turkey, round cheese, and some crackers. These are so much better, and I feel good sending them with Brandi.

Tammy said...

I have never like the prepackaged meals either. I guess I will have to give them a look again and see what is new and improved.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ their little sub sandwiches are microwaveable, so they get nice ans warm and the cheese gets all melty.