Monday, October 18, 2010

SmartKnitKids Seamless Socks Review & Giveaway

Let me tell you a little something you may not know about Brandi...she hates socks.  It takes her about thirty minutes every morning to get her socks "just right" before she can even put her shoes on.  Her biggest issue is with the seam that goes across her toes.  She hates that.

I bought her the cutest pair of boots for school, and the first time she put them on she refused to wear them, because of her socks.  I knew when I was asked to review SmartKnitKids Seamless Socks that Brandi would be the kid to try them out.  I received two pairs; a black pair and a white pair.  The day after they arrived, i asked Brandi to wear her boots to school.  When she started whining about how her socks hurt her feet in the boots, I handed her the black pair and told her to see how they felt.  She loved them, and happily wore her boots to school.

About the socks:
SmartKnitKIDS Socks are 100% truly seamless; they have “No Seams to Bug Ya!”  A truly seam free sock is great for kids with Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism, or for those who simply cannot stand annoying sock seams.  

As well as being completely seamless, our socks are also form-fitting.  This ensures that there are no wrinkles or bunches.  A form-fitting design makes SmartKnitKIDS perfect for infant socks.  No matter how much your little one may wiggle, the socks don’t come off.  SmartKnitKIDS Seamless Socks do not have a heal so they can easily and confidently be slipped on.  The heal-less design also keeps your child from out growing their socks as fast.

All I know is that Brandi says she has never worn a more comfortable pair of socks.  I was a little worried about how the tops would stay up since there is no elastic, but they were fine, as you can see in the picture:

You can buy these socks at

SmartKnitKids has also generously given me two pairs to give away to two lucky readers.  Each winner will receive one pair each.  All you have to do to enter is follow me on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway.  Easy enough, right?  Just leave a comment with the link to your tweet. This contest is open to US residents only, and will run until 11:59 pm on Friday, October 29, 2010.

Good luck!
This Product Was a Free Giveaway
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Unknown said...

these sound like great socks, sometimes seams can really be bothersome.

Unknown said...

not sure if you wanted a comment or not for the giveaway, but I am now following you on Twitter and did tweet about the giveaway


Unknown said...

Hi Jenn - I saw socks and thought I would comment on the socks in Britain. As yet, I do not recall any that are seamless but this seems like a good idea ... but are they broad around the welt?

I find most socks are simply - too tight. I truly cannot understand why manufacturers feel the need to add elastic to the top part of the welt. This makes them uncomfortable on the majority of ankles and shins. When you roll them down and take them off well the ridges and groves and marks left behind can last quite a long time. So if you want to put on tights and a skirt to go out ... you look down at the bottom of your legs and well - it is not a nice sight.

In Britain we do have what are called 'comfort' socks which are supposed to address this problem. Some are not too bad whilst others still thread elastic through the welt ... and the very top line of elastic is often the size of a wrist when fully pulled. Rarely are you able to find one shin size.

Well there I have had my say ... what are the socks like in the US? Are they tight around the shins? Do they have comfort socks? Just thought I'd ask!

jenn said...

Kloggers/Polly ~ the lack of elastic was actually one of my concerns when I first saw the socks, but it turns out they stay up fine without it. Like you said, she had no marks on her legs from these socks when she took them off. I wish I could get some that are my size, though I rarely wear socks anymore.

I have never heard of comfort socks over here, but that doesn't mean we don't have them. I'll have to look into that.

Crystal said...

Those are cute. Sam might like these!