Monday, December 6, 2010

I Am NOT Moving Again

We have lived in this house for almost a year now.  In that time, I have never felt afraid.  Junior works early mornings, leaving the house between 3:30 and 3:45am.  That leaves me and the kids alone until I walk them to the bus stop at 6:20am.  Then I am alone until Junior comes home from work.

For most of our marriage, I have been home alone at night while Junior worked 3rd shift, usually 10pm to 7am.  In all the places we have lived, I have never been afraid of being alone with the kids at night.

A couple of weeks ago, Junior discovered that someone was messing with our shed, trying to break into it.  It is on the opposite side of the house from where my bedroom is, so I never heard a thing.  It is right outside Kasi's room, and she didn't hear anything either.  The funny thing is that this was a night when Junior was home.  Thankfully, they couldn't get inside the shed, so nothing was taken.

For a moment, Junior considered moving. The thing is, I refuse to move again.  I don't want to have to pack up all my books and elephants again.  I know, it sounds weird.  It's pretty simple packing the bedrooms and clothes and dishes, because none of that stuff is breakable.  I could even hire a Moving Company to move all of that for me.  But my elephants are fragile, and they need to be handled carefully. By me.  Because no one else realizes how much they mean to me. 

Okay, maybe Junior does, because in all the times we have moved, only a couple of elephants have been broken.  Either way, I am not moving again.  Junior spoke to the neighborhood maintenance guy, and he said it sounds like a couple of kids in the neighborhood we probably responsible.  I tend to agree, because I think if it was a "real" thief, they would have gotten into the shed.  Whoever it was left behind the sledge hammer they were using, and a "professional" wouldn't do that.  So I tend to agree that it was a couple of kids who got scared and ran before doing any real damage.  My husband's solution was to booby trap the door of the shed.

So far, no one has been caught in it.

Thank God.

***this is a sponsored review


Dawn said...

I am home a lot by myself, too. This weekend, I was up, but my neighbor called me (Cathy) at 1:00 and told me that our garage door was open. Roy forgot to close it. He left at 5:30 and was working nights. I was just about to take Pedro out. I was glad she called. I always feel safe, but you just never know !! I am glad that nothing was taken !!

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

Yeah, we are having to keep our eyes peeled around here - the kids are crazy with the graffiti and slashing tires. :( We were keeping some of our camping equipment in the shed, but we've moved it and all the expensive tools into the house just to be on the safe side.

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I really don't mind being alone with the kids. Even with the shed being messed with, I still feel safe here. i really do think it was just some kids causing trouble.

jenn said...

Storm ~ my husband insists on keeping his tools in the van, so where ever he goes, they go. I keep insisting that that is the reason we get terrible gas mileage, but it's like talking to a wall.

Tammy said...

I told my hubby the same thing I don't want to move ever again. It just isn't fun and I don't need that kind of stress. I hope you don't have to use your trap and no one bugs your place again.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ it was just that one times, so I'm not too concerned.