Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I Wonder What's Under The Tree For Me?

Throughout the year, I give off subtle (okay, maybe not too subtle) hints about what I want for Christmas.  Mostly it's little things, like a silicone tipped pair of tongs for cooking or a new pair of earrings.  There are a few bigger things I've been wanting, like the Wii Fit (which I got this morning!) and a new purse and wallet.  I am seriously tired of buying cheap purses and having them fall apart quickly.  I know with only a few days until Christmas (yay!) it's too late to add to my Santa list, but I was looking around online and I found this really nice Cole Haan purse.  Check it out:
I think it is more of a tote, but that's fine with me.  I happen to carry around a lot of stuff everyday, so a big purse suits me just fine.  I was also looking at Cole Haan wallets, and found this one that kind of matches the purse:
The purse has silver zippers, and the wallet has gold, so they don't match completely, but I am sure no one would notice.  The only thing standing between me and these pieces is the price.  I would have to have almost $450 to buy both.  Normally, I wouldn't even think about making such a pricey purchase, but look at them.  They are Cole Haan. They are worth every penny.

I think I am going to have to talk Junior out of some of our tax money next year so I can spoil myself a little. I'm worth it.


Forgetfulone said...

Nice bag and wallet! So, what IS under the tree for you this year?

jenn said...

I don't know yet! The kids aren't telling.

Dawn said...

It is really pretty !! :) You guys must really get back lots of money from your refund. I can't wait until you get it !! :)

Tammy said...

I like everything you picked! Good taste.