Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Angel

The kids are going to be home again tomorrow.  Who knows if they'll have school on Friday.  I seriously need some alone time.  I feel like it's summer vacation, only there's no sunshine or swimming.  Instead, I have bored kids who bug me and eat everything in the house. 

Please, mother nature, give me a break.  Send some serious sunshine my way to melt all this ice and snow.  Preferably by Friday morning so the buses will run and take these little monsters I call my kids back to school where they belong. 

Thank you very much.


Trish said...

At least you got rid of the one monster for a bit today. I have a very bad feeling that there will be no school Friday...and there is no school on Monday already.

jenn said...

Trish ~ I had no idea Monday was a, I'm not sure I'm going to make it! lol!

Dawn said...

From your commenter above, it doesn't look or sound good. :(

jenn said...

dawn ~ I may need to come stay with you for a while! lol!

Trish said...

It is a holiday...and NOT one that Spart County has deemed a "make up" day. So no school till Tuesday. I'm 95% sure they will not open schools for 1 day. I've got both kids this weekend...if you want to get rid of one of yours let me know. Must be female and between the ages of 12-14 LOL

Con Artist Trickster said...

Hi. I never had snow in my country and playing in the snow is one of my dreams. But after reading your post, I'm not sure if I'll keep up that dream.
I hope the sun comes and visits you soon.

Miranda said...

I hear you. We haven't had much new snow, but its freezing here....-22c/-8f. It's not looking like its getting warmer anytime soon.

Donna said...

Go To Bed!!!Hahaaa

jenn said...

Trish ~ ug...I don't know if I'll make it til Tuesday! Have Caitlyn call Kasi to make plans.

jenn said...

Con Artist Trickster ~ I grew up in NY where it snowed all the time in the winter...I moved south to get away from it. Things would be a lot easier if people down here knew how to deal with it.

jenn said...

Miranda ~ we've been cold, though not cold, which is why this mess is not melting.

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ after spending three days in bed sick, I'm ready to get back to a normal routine, and that means these kids need to go to school! lol!

Tammy said...

I looks like they are having fun in the snow. I know what you mean about eating everything. When my boys are home and bored no food is safe. Hang in there it will melt soon I'm sure.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I thought it was a boy thing...but my girls eat just as much as Ryan.

Kristin said...

This made me laugh out loud:

"Instead, I have bored kids who bug me and eat everything in the house."

I know you didn't mean it to be funny, but it gave me a chuckle.

jenn said...

Kristin ~ that's what I'm here make people laugh!