Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thank You All

I can not express how much your kinds words about Junior's dad's passing mean to us.  It's been a rough week, but I think it's getting easier for him every day.  We are going to go to therapy every week (instead of every other week) for a little while, and hopefully that will help Junior work through some of his anger and pain.  Thankfully, his work has been extremely supportive, allowing him to take this entire week off.  He'll go back to work on Monday. 

I think one of he hardest things for him was that there was no funeral or memorial of any kind.  His brother and sister arranged for him to be cremated, and they are going to scatter his ashes at his favorite fishing hole.  We didn't even expect there to be an obituary in the paper, but yesterday there was a very small one.  I have been trying to keep Junior busy, so we went out to lunch, and I bought a newspaper, not expecting to find anything.  Of course, seeing it in black and white was hard for him, but it also confirmed it for him.  He was just saying yesterday morning how he didn't feel like it was real because he didn't see anything for himself.  Now that he has, I think it will be easier for him to move on.  Make sense?

Please continue to keep him in your prayers.  I know he will be just fine, in time.  He doesn't want to grieve for a man who was nothing but mean to him, but it's human nature.  He was still his dad. 


Miranda said...

Sending prayers your way. It's true, he was still his dad. Everyone deals differently with it.
In time he will feel better, and probably make his good relationship with his kids even stronger. (((Big hugs)))

Dawn said...

I haven't been up maybe 1/2 hour and I was going to call you to ask about the funeral and stuff and see how things were. I am sorry that there wasn't more closure for him than just seeing it in black and white. *HUGS*

Kristin said...

Prayers and thoughts still headed your way. It will probably always be a difficult and sad memory, but one that will lessen over time, one hopes. Much Love.

Mike Golch said...

I want to tell him it will get better.It took me some time to get over loseing my Dad as well.He nerver was the nicest person in the world and could come up with some pretty rude comments to me and about my appearance.I have long forgiven him for that dumb stuff. he is my Father and I do love him.

StaceyC4 said...

It's better for him to grieve than to keep it all inside. I hope that the therapy helps. He is lucky to have you!

Tammy said...

Junior is very lucky to have such a supportive wife. I'm sure time will help him heal. Our prayers are with you and your family.