Sunday, January 9, 2011

Where Should We Put A Hot Tub, If We Could Afford One?

I'm sick.  I woke up yesterday morning after a night of nausea feeling like I had been hit by a truck.  This morning (after only sleeping about five hours) I woke up with swollen, itchy eyes, sneezing, and a nice cough.  I am about ready to crawl back into bed.  I think another day of laziness might just be what the doctor ordered.

Junior has been keeping the kids busy, which mean they haven't been bothering me.  The girls have been cleaning their room and doing laundry, while Ryan helps Junior clean up the yard.  I have to admit to being impressed, too.  The guys have raked all the leaves and trash up, and put everything in the shed where it belongs.  Our house seems to be where everyone's trash ends up when the wind blows, which means it is always messy looking.  Junior has spoken to our maintenance guys about doing some improvements outside, like repainting the outside of the house and maybe adding on to the front porch.  I have always wanted a porch where we could put a table and chairs, and maybe our grill, but the one we have is no where near big enough for that.  The maintenance guy said we could do whatever we wanted, as long as it was up to code, so when we get some extra money, Junior will start construction.  I have a feeling he is going to spend the next couple of weeks checking out covered patio design ideas online before we decide exactly what we want to do.   If he gets his way, we'll have a hot tub and big screen television out there.  I am not opposed to this, but I don't want a hot tub by my front door.  Maybe I can convince him that he needs to extend the side porch.  The only problem with that is that the side porch is right by the road, which means we would have absolutely no privacy.  The ideal would be building a back porch, but we don't have a back door, so that's out of the question. 

Maybe we'll just wait until we can afford to buy a place of our own before we put in a hot tub.


Dawn said...

We got a hot tub right after we got married, like the same week and it is in our basement. Yeah, it was fun for 6 months. It is now empty and it is a great place to stack dirty laundry and a place to put folded laundry. I am not telling you what to do, but enjoy your mom's pool while she has it. Hot tubs are a pain in the butt, changing filters, chemicals, chlorine and then of course they have to be drained and then new water. You can have ours if you want. lol It is a really good one, but it is inside use only.

Tammy said...

A porch you can sit on is always nice. You have such nice weather where you are I'm sure you would enjoy it. I hope you are feeling better.

Silvergirl said...

nice patio will be good, children can hang out there with friends.

hope you will have speed recovery

jenn said...

Dawn ~ I didn't think about the just sounds so relaxing!

jenn said...

Tammy ~ it would be nice to have somewhere to sit outside...and I am starting to feel better...finally!

jenn said...

Silvergirl ~ thanks!