Saturday, September 10, 2011

I Wish Ryan Was A Boy Scout

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Boy Scouts of America for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Those of you who read this blog on a regular basis know that my son is having some issues with his blood pressure.  A couple of weeks ago it was high enough to cause major headaches and fatigue.  His doctor took him off his ADHD medicine, and thankfully, his blood pressure came back down to a normal level.  Yesterday, he started a new medication, and we are hoping this one will not raise his blood pressure. 

One of the other concerns his doctor has is his weight.  He's not necessarily fat, but he is a big boy.  His doctor recommended he lose some weight, so we have adopted a healthier way of eating and are walking every day.  Or trying to walk every day.  Some days, like today, there just aren't enough hours in the day.

I wish I has signed him up for Boy Scouts of America when he was younger.  From what I have heard, these boys are really active, and I think that would have been good for him.  These days, there is so much more to scouting than just camping.  They have new merit badges that focus on technology, which can help these kids in the future.

I also think Ryan missed out on developing lifelong friendships.  I know some of the troops have had the same kids in them for years and years.  We have done a lot of moving over the years, and especially this year, starting a new school would have been easier for him if he had a core group of friends to lean on and lend support.

If you have a young son, think seriously about getting involved in Boy Scouts.  I wish I had when Ryan was younger.Advertisement

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1 comment:

Catch My Words said...

My adult son was a Boy Scout for many years, and it was a great experience.
