Thursday, September 15, 2011

Upgrading My Television...Someday

I am going to share something with you that you might not know about me.  I'm kind of a Trekkie.  That's right...I like Star Trek.  Specifically, Star Trek Voyager.  I have tried to watch the other ones, but for some reason, I don't like them.  But Voyager, I just can't get enough.  I recently found it on Netflix, and have started from the first episode and plan on watching the entire series.  That's 168 episodes, just in case you were wondering.  The kids are even starting to get into it.  I have already seem most of them, since I watched it when it was on actual television, and I love it.

The only thing that would make them better this time around was if I was watching them on a new television.  I still have an old, regular, bulky television, which works fine.  In fact, that is one of the main reasons I have yet to buy a Flat Screen TV.  Why replace something that isn't broken?  

When I do finally upgrade, I want the best for my money.  I have lived my life settling for the cheapest of everything, but not anymore.  I am going to do some research and find the best deal for the amount I have to spend, and who knows how much that will be.  Hopefully, the TV I have now will last a few more years, and by then, who knows what kind of options will be available.

1 comment:

bcmomtoo said...

I love Voyager! I started watching on Netflix, too - and got through the first episode and started the 2nd and never went back. I really do need to go back to it, because it's been ages since I watched it - back when it was 'really' on television.

We always watched TNG too, but I think Voyager is the best.