Monday, October 31, 2011

Babies Are Cuter Than Puppies!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Puppies vs. Babies for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.


There seems to be a lot of debate about which are cuter, Puppies vs. Babies. Now, before you get all excited, let me tell you why I think babies are cuter than puppies.  Babies smell good, especially right after a bath.  They smile and coo, and grab your fingers with their tiny little hands.  They lay their heads on your chest and sleep all cuddles up in your arms. 

I know puppies are adorable.  They are all fluffy and playful, but they don't smile and eat up shoes and anything else they can find.  Sure, puppies grow up into dogs that don't talk back and have teenaged attitudes, which does give them an advantage over babies.  But, there is nothing cuter than a face like this:

Now, if you agree with me, go vote in the Puppies vs. Babies online contest.  All you have to do is pick which you think are cuter, babies or puppies.  Then you get to vote on the pictures that are in the contest.  You have until November 23 to cast your vote, and the winning puppy or baby will get $5000.  IN my opinion, a child could use that money a whole lot more than a puppy can.  I mean, babies grow up and have to go to college.  That money could help with that expense. 

So tell me, which are you going to vote for?

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1 comment:

bcmomtoo said...

I want to vote for the babies, because overall I think babies are cuter, too. But did you look at those babies? They really aren't that cute. I think a puppy is going to win.