Sunday, November 6, 2011

I Want This For My Car!

I was driving on Friday (surprise, right, since I spend my entire life driving these days) and I was behind this car at a red light that had the greatest sticker in it's window.  Check it out:

I love it!  I want one for my car.  The funny thing was, when I took the picture, I didn't realize the flash would go off.  The driver turned around and gave me the nastiest look, but I just smiled at her, waved, and went on my merry way.  It was great!


Da Dude said...

OK, I'm a little slow.. Why do you want to drive like a Cullen? & What is a Cullen?

Have a great day!

jenn said...

Da Dude ~ the cullens are the vampires from the Twilight series, and they like to drive FAST! Since I have gotten two warnings for speeding in the past 3 months, I figure I need that for my work van :)