Sunday, November 6, 2011

Staying Active And Making New Friends

My job is great.  I work Monday through Friday with weekends off.  A month or so ago, my boss gave me a bonus on my paycheck.  When I asked him why, he said it's because I'm awesome.  I'm not kidding either.  He really said that.  Since then, there has been extra money in my paycheck every week.  I'm pretty sure I got myself a little raise, which is much needed.  It's enough to pay Brandi's babysitter each week, and that helps out a lot.

We work the same schedule as the post office, so if they are closed, I get a day off.  This means that in a couple of weeks, I will get a four day weekend for Thanksgiving.  I can't wait!  My kids are looking forward to the two weeks they will have off school for Christmas, but to be honest, I am dreading it a little.  They will be cooped up in the house all day while I work, and when that happens, a lot of arguing and fighting occurs.  I wish I could afford to send them all to Holiday Camps for Kids, because at least then I would know they are having fun while staying active.  I have heard good things about Adventure Camps for Kids, too, and I think Ryan would enjoy something like that.  I remember going to a Christian summer camp with my grandparents when I was younger, and I made lots of great friends that I kept in touch with for years.  I want my kids to have that same opportunity.

Here lately, they have been riding their bikes a lot and playing outside with their friends, but it's getting colder, which means they will be staying inside more.Finding ways for them to stay active and not kill each other is going to be a challenge, but I'm s re we'll make it through.

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