Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Being The Best

 A couple of weeks ago Kasi had a concert at school. Sitting in the auditorium, listening to the orchestra, chorus, and band, it finally occurred to me that I tortured my parents the same way when I was in school.  It's funny, really.  I enjoyed the chorus, and not just because that is where my child performed. They were really good.  There are some very talented girls at Kasi's school. I also enjoyed the band.  The orchestra?  Not so much.  I was actually cringing.

I think I was so critical because I was in orchestra.  I played the viola for 8 years, and I sat first chair for 6 of those years.  I was awesome.  Thinking back on it now, though, I am sure my orchestra sounded just as bad as the one at this concert.  We all probably could have benefited from a violin lesson or two.  

I have always had this need to be the best, no matter what I was doing.  Not to brag about myself, but I have never gotten a less than perfect review at any job I have ever worked.  I am most definitely a people pleaser.  I am a rule follower, but I think that has more to do with my fear of getting into trouble than anything else. 

I know there are many more concerts in my future, and I hope I can be a little less critical of future performances.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family!!