Saturday, January 28, 2012

Starting off the year with some home renovations

Guest post written by Mary Hilson

One thing that I was determined to tackle this year was all of these renovations around our household that we've been putting off for so long. We've been saving up for these too and it just now works out that after the holidays we have time to finally put time into some of these things.

But I didn't actually have time to research all of this during the holidays, so I've been finding builders and stuff like that at the last minute. A few weeks ago I was looking online for some people to do our work and I came across some Home renovations info and I think that we're going to go with that company.

We have several things that we need to do around our household, most importantly, redoing our kitchen. I really use the kitchen a lot, but that's kind of what happens with so many kids and a love of cooking. I've wanted an island to prepare food on for years now and now I'm finally going to get one. I can't wait to see the final result!

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