Sunday, February 5, 2012

Decorating My Girl's Room

 I filed my taxes the other day, and thankfully, I am getting a pretty big refund.  I know I have said this before, but this is the only time of year that I get to buy things I want, not just things I need.  This year, I want to get some things for the girl's room.  I am trying to get Brandi out of my bed and into her own.  I mean, she's only 10.  She should have been in her own bed a long, long time ago.  My thinking is, maybe I can bribe her with new bedding and wall hangings.  If she loves the way her room looks, she might just want to sleep in it.

I know what I would like to do to their room, but I guess I have to let them have a say in it, too.  We searched online for house designs and found some pretty ideas.  There was this one picture of a girl's bedroom, and honestly, if I hadn't just turned 40 I would make my bedroom look exactly like this picture.   It had light purple walls, with white accents.  There were butterfly and flower stickers on the walls, and all the bedding and curtains were different shades of purple.  Not something my girls would like, but I would.

My girls will probably want me to paint their walls black with white skulls and peace signs.  I remember going through a black phase myself, so I can kind of understand.  The trick with them is going to be finding something we can both live with.  Plus, I'm not allowed to paint the walls here, so we are going to have to find some big wall stickers to give their room personality.

Once we do, I am going to insist that Brandi at least attempt to sleep in there.

1 comment:

papel1 said...

Have fun decorating your girls room. It should be fun.