Friday, February 24, 2012

Flea Control

Lillie, our deaf little kitty cat, has become the perfect addition to our family.  She drives me a little crazy at night, but I just think it's because she is lonely and wants to play.  She refuses to lay in bed with me or the kids.  Instead, she hangs out in the living room, meowing as loud as she can, all night long.  Last night, she started around 2, and every fifteen minutes I would get up and spray her with water to make her quiet down.  Obviously it didn't work very well, and I didn't get a very good night's sleep. 

When we got Lillie, she had a few fleas.  I was determined to get rid of them before they became a huge problem, so I went to the store and bought several different flea treatments, and thankfully, we got rid of the fleas fairly quickly.  Now, I am looking for a way to keep them away.  I know there is K9 Advantix
 for dogs, and I've heard good things about it. It repels fleas and ticks for up to one month, but I can not find a cat version.  I like that it is a single application placed between the dogs shoulder blades, and not something that needs to be applied daily.  It's also waterproof.

I am on a mission to find something similar for Lillie.  I don't want to end up with fleas in my carpets. I found some interesting information about fleas and their life cycle. This is a battle I do not want to lose. I'm not sure if guinea pigs can get fleas, but now that we have Callie, I want to protect her, too.

Do you use this type of flea treatment on your pets? If so, do you find them effective, and would you recommend them to other pet owners?  Also, what do you use to help keep your cats flea free? I really do need some advice about this.

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