Friday, May 4, 2012


I know I haven't been blogging on a regular basis, and if you are friends with me on Facebook you know why. For those of you who are not my friends, let me explain where I have been.

About five weeks ago, I joined my local Curves.  A friend of mine called me one day and asked if I wanted to join with her, and I jumped at the opportunity.  They were having a special where they waived the $99 joining fee if you brought in canned food, so that is what I did.

Let me tell you, I love it! It's a big circuit that you do, and it takes about 30 minutes to go around twice, which is what they recommend three times a week. Other than the days I see my therapist, I have been going just about every day, working out for at least 45 minutes.  So far, I have lost 11 pounds and 22 1/2 inches.  Those inches are a total from my arms, thighs, waist, bust, abdomen, and hips.  I have the breakdown somewhere, but I can't find it right now, so I can't post it.  I'll try to find it and post it soon.

I am not only working out. I decided to start eating better, not necessarily diet. I haven't taken any pills, or eaten any special foods like shakes or shapewise chews, but I am eating more fruits and veggies, and I have almost completely cut out fast food.  I do treat myself once a week, which helps me not have bad cravings for something greasy.  

I am going into this whole thing without high expectations.  I mean, I have dieted before and lost weight, but I always get discouraged when I hit a plateau.  I went two weeks without losing weight (though I did lose inches) and instead of getting discouraged this time, I am looking at it as a work in progress.  I mean, even if I lose a pound or two a week, a year from now I will be where I want to be, weight wise.  Plus, I feel better, and my clothes fit better, and I know I can do this.


Karen and Gerard said...

Sounds like you are on track now so keep it up. Weight is just a number--it's more important that you feel good and are happy with how you look. Keeping track of inches is a good idea. Hope you have continued success!

Mrs. Carney said...

Funny, I recently joined our Y. I, too, have not really lost much weight (only 3 pounds) but today I WORE shorts that 3 weeks ago I couldn't even button. I didn't measure myself so I don't know how many inches I've lost or where I've lost them, but I do notice my bust doesn't seem so droopy (LOL!!) & I am having to increase weights on the machine in order to feel a burn. I'm proud of you, Jenn, and perhaps we can encourage each other along the way!! I agree, it's got to be an overall lifestyle change & the days I miss going to the Y, I eat worse because I feel worse. I try to go every morning but this week it was only 3 days and last week only 4 due to appointments, etc. Anyway, continued success on your weight loss journey- you'll get there eventually!! :)