Friday, April 20, 2012

Cheap Auto Insurance

I have been doing really well managing my money lately.  When I got my tax refund in February, I made sure every bill was paid so that it were current.  There were a couple that I was paying when the final notice came, so I made sure I brought those up to date.  At the end of March, I sat down and made a list of every bill, and then I matched each bill up with a Friday I got paid.  I have made sure that before I spend any money each week, the bills on that weeks list were paid.

This week I have to pay my car insurance.  Last month I had to renew it, and I was told that my payments would be $38 per month, so that is what I figured into my list.  Yesterday, I received the bill in the mail for this month, and it was for $44.  I really need to call and see why it is higher than I was quoted.  Or, I could shop around to find some cheap auto insurance.  I don't think the $44 a month is unreasonable, but if I was quoted $38, then I think that is what I should be paying.

I only have liability on my car, and I have been thinking about getting full coverage on it.  I don't have the money to buy a new car if mine were to be totaled in an accident, and after spending two days without my car last week, I don't think I could go months without one while I save up the money to buy a new one.  I am thinking about buying something bigger next year when I get my taxes back, because while I do love my car, when the kids have friends over, fitting three teenagers in the back seat is a tight fit.