Friday, April 20, 2012

Ryan And Biology

My kids are getting their interim reports today, and Ryan has been waiting for this day for weeks.  He failed biology on his last report card, and he has been on restriction from his laptop and driving since then.  I got a text from him before, because he was really excited about his grades.  He is doing great in everything, except biology.  Right now, he has 61 in the class.  Yes, that is still failing, but he has brought that up from a 42, which I think shows at least some effort. I will probably take him off restriction, but I need to find a way to help him bring up that grade even more.  I was thinking about looking into online tutors.  I know I don't know enough about the subject to help him myself, but there has got to be someone out there who does and can help him. Plus, doing the work online might be more fun for him that re-reading the same things over and over again in a textbook.

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