Monday, March 16, 2009

Hold On...

Hello all. It's been a while since I have given you a rambling, senseless post, so hold on tight cause here it comes.

I have been thinking a lot about this blog, and what purpose it serves. Aside from the paid posting, and an occasional meme, I find it lacking. I use more filler posts, and have found myself not really "writing" on here. I put my pictures on a separate blog, and my crafts on another. I have my weight loss blog, but that is private, and also lacking lately. I find that when I made it private, I lost a lot of readers on that one. In fact, I think only missy and miss donna were reading it on a regular basis. Which leads me to something else I have been having trouble with.

I used to have a lot of loyal followers. Friends who commented on every post, every day. Now, don't get me wrong...I love you guys who still do this! I appreciate the heck out of you guys!!!! I just mean that at this time last year, I had a group of women who were like sisters to me. None of them are actively blogging anymore, and I miss them. I miss the daily interaction. I don't know how to find that again. The blogs I read now are great, but they are their own little communities. How do I make myself fit in with them? I don't know.

I am the queen of lurking. A lot of the blogs I read every day, I never comment on. I just don't feel like I am witty enough, or that my comment will be as good as the others. Does that even make sense? I want to find somewhere I fit in....

So tell me your secrets. How do you find new blogs to read, and in turn make new friends? Because isn't that what this whole blogging thing is about? Connecting with people who share our interests, our daily struggles and accomplishments? Making new friends along the way?

On a side note...there is no show funnier than The Big Bang these days...

Um...where was I? Okay. I knew when I started doing the paid posts that I would lose some readers. I used to hate reading blogs that did paid posting. I understand. If you hate the paid posts, just read every other post. I think that is what happened. My posts, my stories, got lost between the paid posts. Then I just stopped writing them. I need to write more, and write better. About me. About my family.

Wow. This post sounds a little whiny, and that was not my intention at all. I am just a little lost right now, and trying to find my way back to it. But back to where, I do not know. That's what I'm trying to figure out. I find myself spending more time on facebook these days. I know, there are a lot of you right there with me. That's not helping this blog either. And now with all the talk about entrecard changing next week. I'm not sure what to do about that, either.

Do you see a common problem here? I am just so unsure of a lot of things. I hate feeling this way. I am a creature of habit. I do not like for things to change, yet I feel a change is desperately needed around here. I have been debating becoming a dot com, but do I really want to do that with this blog? As stupid as this is going to sound, I miss enjoying the ride. I wish I could go back. I wish I had never let certain people run me away from who I was. Maybe that's the problem. Maybe I am just unhappy with the whole concept of this blog. Maybe things have gotten too complicated. I want things simple again.

I would not trade the last year for anything. A lot of changes happened to our little family in the last 18 months. All good things, but changes none the less. Junior and I both had surgery last year...can you believe it's been almost nine months since I had my boobs done?...and then we moved. The kids lost a lot of family...3 grandfathers, two grandmothers, aunts, uncles and cousins. It's been hard. I haven't talked about it much on here, because I wanted to keep this blog upbeat. Which means I probably won't talk about it again. If you really want to know the whole scoop, let me know. I'll give you access to my private blog and you can go read my entries from the past year. It might give you a better idea of who I am, and who I want to be.

That's pretty funny, that at 37 I am still unsure of who I want to be. I know I want to be skinny, lol, but we all know that will never happen. I'll settle for healthier. I've always wanted to be a mom, and I rock at that, if I do say so myself. But I'm not sure who I want to be. I'm the wife, and the mother, but I think the woman has gotten lost somewhere along the way. Make sense?

I bet at this point, if you've even made it this far, you're wondering what brought all of this on. To be honest, I'm not too sure. Maybe it was seeing my number of followers increasing, but the number of commenter's decreasing. Maybe it was realizing that it only takes me about thirty minutes to visit the blogs I love each day, and I feel like I need to put more of an effort into visiting others if I want others to visit me.

So I will leave you with this...

Let me know you're here. Even if my writing sucks, just say hi. Tell me to step it up a little.

If you lurk on my blog, speak up! I will come visit you, too. I know this is a give and take, and I am ready to give more. I want to be a better blogger, and a better friend.

Help me get there.



My Inspired Reality said...

Hi Jenn, just wanted to let you know that I stopped by:):) Keep writing and visiting others. I find that I need to push myself to do this consistantly too - the blogging, the visiting, the keeping in touch:):)

Kirhat said...

Filler posts may sometimes appear boring and lacks the depth of a well-research posts, but you may be surprise that there are several people that finds them more interesting because of their concise nature of explaining things.

Cheers and keep up the good work!

Seek No More
Nesting Buddy

Jo Hoffacker said...

I'm 39, and when I figure out who I want to be I'll let you know. :)

Anonymous said...

In some ways, I can see where you're coming from. When I first started blogging about 6 months ago I wanted to be able to "connect" with people. Years before I had done this when I was involved in the MSN Communities and chat and I made some good friends online that I've been fortunate to meet and keep in contact with. I find that it's much harder to do that with blogging. There are several blogs that I visit on a regular basis but tend to be more of a "lurker" rather than commenting. I think that, as you say, I should be making more of an effort.

I enjoy reading what you have to say .. keep it up! I'm almost 62 and still trying to discover who I want to be! That's what makes life interesting.


siteseer said...

Boy do I understand where you're coming from. I find that the more things we add to our blog the more time it takes... then where's the time to live the life you want to live. Mine started as a simple blog to keep my family and friends informed on our whereabouts as we travelled to Alaska and back. Then I tried to get paid posts... way too much work to actually make any money for me. I'm thinking here, was the ecard next? Do I even need an ecard? I love going to other blogs (like yours) and read about families and what everyone is doing.. I get great ideas for dinner or projects or just plain inspiration. But I don't want it to feel like a job - if you know what I mean. For a while there I was feeling so pressured to make interesting posts and do pictures and do a lot of drops, oh yeah, this was the same time that I was trying to do paid posts. They were just to few and far between. As you can see this has me in a quandary too. And as for 'what I want to be when I grow up'? I'm a heck of a lot older and I hope I never find out because then you stop the search. And we all know the journey is what it's all about.

So just go out there and enjoy each day for what it is. If you happen to blog that day I'll be here to read... if you're out having fun and living your life I'll understand that too because that's what I'm doing most days too.

Lilysgramma said...

Just a quick to let you know that I too, am a "lurker". I don't always comment except on the occasion when I feel my comment would be helpful. On this occasion, I want to tell you that I stopped by and I enjoy your blog. Keep up the good work! :)

Anonymous said...

I think I'm also feeling a little of your blogging pain.

First of all, I HATE the paid posts. No offense...I know people have gotta eat. But since advertising is pretty much my career, I get enough of it at work. That being said, I loved this post. It was honest and poignant.

Second, I HATE that the prime motivation that people have in the blogosphere is fiscal. Even on my host site, I've been punished for not spending enough time driving up traffic. I've had to divert time away from writing and crafting a quality blog and more time to dropping E cards and joining network sites to bribe people over to my blog to drive up my hits. I feel dirty doing it...kinda like a big sell out. I wish I lived in a world where quality mattered more than quantity.

When it becomes all about the bottom line, it becomes less about the community. You start losing touch with the people that got you excited about doing it to begin with.

I've gotten so muddled that I've considered dropping it all together. I don't like feeling like a sell out, I don't have much luck breaking into some of these blogging "cliques," and I'm not sure it's worth diverting time from other places I might be able to use it better.

I feel defeated sometimes...and I wonder why I inflict this upon myself.

Is it Friday yet?

Jenera said...

My blog goes through cycles where I have tons of readers, my post are actually interesting, and it's fun to do. Then real life hits and I slowly back off a bit to deal with life. Then it takes a bit to get back into the swing of things.

I've learned that we can't just blog to have readers but because we want to. My blog is a alot like a personal journal and so if no one comments, it's okay because so much is released from my brain and I can feel sane again.

Maybe a break from blogging would be good. Or consolidating your blogs. Or not blogging at all. If you take a week away from it and you don't miss it, it might be time to close up shop.

Anyway, I've been there done that.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog Jenn! There is always something interesting or funny on it. The way I find new blogs is by going to friends blogs and checking out their blog roll. I figure if my friends like them, then they must be nice.

Anonymous said...

Most of the blogs I read I pass through on Entrecard. The people who drop on me I visit more often.

I've not made any real close blogging friends since I left Xanga though. I miss my xanga buddies sometimes.

I know i have a handful of loyal readers, who will occasionally comment, but I do find that the more comments I get, the more I'm likely to post something new, the fewer comments I get, the less often I post.

Insanely Chay is.... said...

Hi Jenn I sure know what you are feeling. I'm new to the blogging world so I really don't know where I belong or even what the theme of my blog really is. All I know is that I write about whatever comes to my mind.I am a lurker and yet I place comment too on things I can relate to but I like reading from you in fact I just added my name to you stalkers list heheheh. Smile and be Happy remember it takes more muscles to frown than to smile.And it keeps you pretty too.

wiregems said...

A creature of habit? Yep, that's me. More lurking, not so much commenting? That's me, too. Often wondering what to blog about, how to increase my readers and commenters?

But I started my blog to keep in touch with my jewelry customers, not to make money with it. I have no paid advertising whatsoever, and never plan to. That way I'm only beholden to myself, to write what's on my mind (or not to write at all), to show off new designs.

Most of the blogs I read regularly, I've found on Entrecard. It's not the best system, and there are certainly issues with it. (Perhaps more next week?) And honestly, I don't think I have time to become serious "friends" with anyone else in this blogging community, but I do read and enjoy the personal posts like yours here.

I'm 49, and I think that although one should never stop learning, growing, and even challenging life, there are far too many interesting and important things to do than worry about trying to keep up with things that don't make you happy, or at least content.

Best of luck! I'll be "lurking"...

Donna said...

I leave you alone for just a Few days and I come back to THIS!!!
SWEETIE!! Listen UP!
I Love You!!! How did I find you? Blogging...I would have Never found you on FaceBook or MySpace...Twitter..Etc...Crystal loved you and when I got to reading you, I found out what kind of Wonderful person you are...another daughter!!
I have 3 basic Blogs...MIHeaven, MIHeaven2(photo) and my cooking blog...I "work" those pretty faithfully...why...??..Journals, memories for my children and grandchildren. The internet will be around Long after I'm gone and So Will My Post! One day, hopefully, my GGGGreatchild will want to "Know" me...Here it will be. For Him or Her to read and see, in pictures, what I was like. I do it for Me. Them and You. I really do Not like Facebook or Myspace...waste of time as far as building friendships. I'm SO damn grateful for having gotten to "meet" you...It makes me SO happy to love and Be loved and thought of...
If I were You, I'd simply keep the blogs that were meaningful and throw out the rest...Then Build on the One Main Blog as often as possible...If people feel "lost" because they can't find you, they'll quit "looking"...
Make a Warm place for them to "come home to."
What's that old saying?? "Build it and they will come"....It's SO true!!
Here's your wake up call:
You LOVE the color purple
You LOVE Elephants
You have a fantabalous family
You are Beautiful
You take Great pictures
You Always have Wonderful things to say
You are kind and caring
You are loyal and giving

Now sit in front of the computer and decide on what YOU want to do...We'll follow you Anywhere...

Kristin said...

I don't know what to say.. I started typing practically a novel to you..

I don't mind your paid posts.. in fact, sometimes it isn't even glaringly obvious to me that they are paid posts...LOL, but that may be more of my naiveity (sp?)because I don't know anything about them..

I am sorry to hear you are feeling this way, there are many times, it seems especially lately, that I have fallen behind with my blog reading/commenting, with all of the traveling that my family and I have been doing.. it just falls to the wayside because I am just too exhausted...

I am one of those that would love to read more about you, find out what you have been through.. I consider you a blog buddy of mine, and I hope you consider me one too..If you ever need to talk, you have my email, drop me a line..

Alrighty daughter is sick, now complaining her ear hurts.. I am off..


Tammy said...

Hi Jenn,

You are doing a great job and you have wonderful blogs.

I'm good friends with siteseer (our desks are next to each other at work). We have been talking about a lot of this stuff too. Like why are we doing this??? I love the friends I have made, like you! I have always marveled at all the paid post you get and think it great. I think people who know what this is all about know they don't really have to comment on the paid post. I know I'm all over with this comment. Bottom line keep doing what you want to do. Make your self happy. Oh and I'm 45 and have know idea what tomorrow will bring let along that I want to do with the rest of my life. Winning the lotto would be nice.

Crystal said...

Sounds like to me u just lost ur way a little. Nothing that can't be fixed sweet.

Sometimes I have found, we make our lives so complicated when we forget about ourselves. Seems thats happened to u. Believe me girlie, i'm the first to admit I forget to take care of my needs and or wants.

Daily life or shall I say daily headaches like jobs, bills, cleaning of things, what's for dinner, where do I have to go today..stuff like that, gets in the way. It's normal. U have done the first thing in realising what's happening. U want it back to the way things were? Make it so, ur in control of all of this.

Like u, I do read most blogs but not comment. Different reasons, I'm at work when I do and along with u I'm on Facebook and myspace. It gets crazy sometimes so u opt for the easier, quicker route. Blogging as u know, takes time and thought where the others are quick or on the go. Ya know?

As for ur weight?? Girl, don't make me get on to you. U can do anything u want. Don't settle. U want to lose weight? Get mad. That did it for me. Get tired of the way ur feeling and change things. Yeah, there's that ugly change word not even I like at times. U KNOW u can do it. I have faith in you Jennifer..

I have to go but once I get home i'll get back on..See u in a bit;o)

Tami said...

I've recently found you through entrecard and have to admit I usually come through, read and go. I know where you're coming from on losing the focus of your blog. I'm going through something similar right now. I NEED to make some money off my blog - but I don't like what its doing to it. My husband, kids and I recently moved and in the last six months I haven't been able to find any work. The thought was, 'why not turn what I love doing into some cash?' I'm starting to wonder if it was the right decision.
Just wanted to stop by and say you're not alone. Keep working through it. You'll figure it out. In the meantime, come by and say hi! :)

Crystal said...

Testing comments for crystal...she couldn't get back on...

bcmomtoo said...

Wow! All these long comments!

I just want to say that I do read, though sometimes it's all I can do to skim through my reader and do a quick hit on everyone's blog. I don't always have time to comment, or I don't feel that I have anything to add.

Hang in there, and just remember that your blogs are just that - yours. Make them what you want. Write what you want - for you, for your kids. Then any comments you get are just a nice bonus.

KAT said...


You are who you are, and you write about what you write about...period!

You have so many people out here who really care about you and your blogs, so that losing readers or lack of comments shouldn't matter. You should be doing this because you want to and not to please others.

The faithful will follow you whether you have paid posts on your blog or not. I sometimes get no comments on a post I did, and I wonder why, but then I think, I don't care, I liked what I wrote, and I wrote it because I wanted to. That is what matters to me? I don't blog because of the readers or the comments, and if I did, I would have stopped a long time

I have met some truly amazing people from blogging, YOU being one of them, and I wouldn't trade all them in for more comments or more hits on my blog. You are popular with the people who count, remember that!!

If there is another reason you blog, and I am way off base here, just tell me, but I think you are doing just fine.

I'm with Kristin, you have my email, if you ever want to vent, you can vent to me anytime!! :)

Take care,

Jennifer said...

Ahem...I have a blog but I certainly don'ot think it has it's own community & that you can't fit in.

How I find new ones? I click links on others that I read, take recommendations from friends etc. until I find one I like then I begin to read, comment, follow etc.

Missy said...

I luvvvvvvvvvvvv your bloggggg and I with everyone else, too! I have to have my Jenn fix! I am so grateful for our families meeting! Now if we can get back and hang some more!!! :}

Take care and don't let yourself get down your too awesome for that!

Love and hugs to ya!!!