Wednesday, April 18, 2007

51 Random Facts - All About Me

This entry is just for fun. I hope you learn some things about me that you probably could have lived without knowing, but that you will find interesting none the less.
1. My favorite color is purple.
2. My favorite author is Dean Koontz. I highly recomend him. If you've never read anything by him, I would start with VELOCITY. I read the whole thing in less than one day.
3. I have to eat small foods (M&M's, fruit snacks, pretzels) in multiples of 2.
4. I compulsively count to 8 on my fingers. Ring. middle, pointer tapped on my thumb. I'm sure this is a sign of something, but I don't want to know!!
5. I am the only person in my house allowed to fold towels. Everyone else does it wrong.
6. I love playing games with my family.
7. I have HUGE knockers.
8. I HATE spiders-well, basically any bug!
9. I could live on chocolate and peanut butter.
10. I hate to shop.
11. I am shy.
12. I am very protective of my family.
13. I like to make people happy.
14. I believe that there can never be enough people who love my kids!
15. I don't like when people judge others by the way they look.
16. I have a dirty mouth (trying to work on that one).
17. My kids are compassionate and that makes me proud.
18. I am addicted to Roller Coaster Tycoon.
19. I my ipod.
20. I would love to have a baby with Keith Urban. (or at least have fun trying!!)
21. I give homemade gifts for Christmas every year, even to the kids.
22. I consider myself a good listener.
23. I am pretty crafty.
24. I love to mow my grass.
25. I collect elephants.
26. I love to rearrange my furniture.
27. I HATE Sanjaya. He creeps me out!
28. I think my children are beautiful.
29. I have the best siblings in the world. (is that better Tami?)
30. My husband would do anything for me. I would do most things for him as long as they don't gross me out, and I am easily grossed out.
31. I can crochet pretty much anything.
32. I could live in Wal-Mart.
33. I love cats, not so much a dog person.
34. All my cats have human names, except Cake. (she was named by my then 4 year old)
35. All three of my kids have blue eyes.
36. I love to read.
37. I can solve the Rubix Cube.
38. I sat 1st chair viola for 8 years in my school orchestra.
39. I pee when I'm tickled.
40. I used to get hives from eating too many tomatoes-and they say veggies are good for you! (I know, technically a fruit)
41. I used to Kirk Cameron.
42. I successfully quit smoking 5+ years ago. YEAH ME!!!
43. I am funny.
44. I am considered sarcastic-I just don't see it !
45. I do not have a job. I could say I do not work, but anyone with kids knows how untrue that is.
46. I love magnets. You should see my fridge!
47. I can keep my plants alive.
48. I only own a few pairs of shoes, and many pairs of flip flops.
49. I have tons of useless info stored in my brain.
50. I am a "middle" child.
51. I once ate cat poop. I must have thought it was a tootsie roll!
So that's it. If anyone reading has more, let me know and we'll add them on!!!

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