Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Battle Begins

I know what you're thinking. Two entries on the first day. Just bear with me. I failed to mention while writing about myself that I am severly loosing the battle of the bulge. I have been over weight all of my adult life, and I just piled on more weight with each pregnancy. Attempts to loose weight have been somewhat successful, for about five minutes. I ALWAYS put it all back on. So a little while ago I got a phone call from Tami (my sister in New York) and she says she joined Weight Watchers today. Let me pause to say that she is skinny and doesn't really need to loose weight. Anyhow, she is going to send me and Junior (my husband) some books and info so that we can do the program with her. While this excites me, it also makes me a little nervous. I don't want to fail anymore. It is very depressing to loose and gain, over and over. I have tried every fad diet you can name. Atkins worked, until you eat normal food. I have lived on lean cuisine. I have had nothing but salad for weeks on end. I am hoping that maybe that has been my problem. I deprive myself, and then end up crashing. Maybe Weight Watchers will be the program that works. With summer coming, I will spend endless hours in the pool, which I know is good exercise. I need to get back to walking every day. Having an outlet now to write my concerns, maybe I will do better. I guess there are just a whole lot of maybe's. I need to turn my maybe's into definately's. I need to be held accountable for the food choices I make. I need to set a better example for my children. I know what it is like to grow up as the fat kid. I want to be able to prevent my children from having to live through that. I need to be happy with me. Okay. That's enough of the pity party. I will keep you updated on my progress, and share my failures. I want to say that I love music. I could listen to my ipod all day and be quite content. My favorite group nowadays is Sugarland. They are awesome. Their latest CD is called Enjoy the Ride and I think that is a great way to view life. Just grab on, hold tight, and enjoy the ride!! I know I am!

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