Tuesday, April 17, 2007

So Here We Go

So here we go. I haven't decided yet if I will share this with family, it might just be for myself and someday for my children to read. I'll start by saying that I live a really boring life, yet that is how I like it. I am 35 years old and I do not drive. Do not have my license. Never have. Probably never will. The thought of it just scares the bejeepers out of me. Enough said. I have been married since 1995 to a great man. We both have a kind of warped sense of humor and get along really well. We have three children together and sometimes our house gets a little crazy. We have been known to break out into a food fight or water fight on different occasions. The most memorable was on Easter a few years ago. Everyone knows what peeps are. Well my gang, my sisters, and my dad decided they make good weapons. I cleaned up marshmallow stains for weeks after that one! Anyway, my oldest child, Ryan, is also my only son. He was born on November 6, 1995. Now 11, he is heading into the teen years full swing. He was diagnosed with ADHD in second grade and takes Ritalin each day before school and on special occasions. I do not give it to him on the weekends, instead we deal with it and try to keep him active. My second child, Kasandra, was born May 14,1997. She is a beautiful girl full of compasion and love. She does great in school (mostly) and loves to read. My baby, Brandi Rose, was born December 4,2001. She is currently in 4K and is ROTTEN! I'm sure in future entries you will hear loads about her cause she cracks me up!!!!! So that's the rundown of the kids. I also have tons of nephews and a few neices. I am also known as the cat lady. Currently I have 16 cats. 5 live outside and 2 live inside. One of my outside cats has a litter of 4 that are now almost 6 weeks old. My inside cat just had a litter of 5 last weekend. They are all beautiful. If anyone reading this lives in the chesnee area, I am more than willing to part with any and all of the kittens. Okay. So now you know about my family and my cats. Maybe I should take a moment and tell you a little bit about myself. I am the second oldest of 5 children. We all have the same mother and father. We were the kids growing up whose parents actually stayed together. They did divorce when I was in my early twenties, so I can't blame ALL my crazyness on coming from a broken home. I love to read, and television is my friend. I am addicted to most reality shows, Survivor, Amazing Race, and AI are my favorites. I have watched ER from the beginning and will cry like a baby when they finally take it off the air. I met my husband on a blind date. We were married on June 22, 1995, exactly 6 months from the day we met. Our son was born 4 1/2 months later. Most people didn't think we would last a week, let alone almost twelve years. While my husband is a bit nuts, he works hard to support his family and we muddle through somehow. So that's it for my first ever blog entry. I hope to write every day, but who knows what will happen in this crazy life. So until next time.....

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