Thursday, April 19, 2007

My Sister Tami

Tami was the second person to know about my blog. Although hesitant about letting her read it, I did. Then today I let others know about it too. Anyway, Tami didn't think I said enough things about her over in the VIP's, so I thought I would write a little bit about her. She is older than me by 14 months. We talk on the phone almost every day. Her youngest and my youngest share the same birthday. They are one year apart. She makes pocketbooks that are beautiful. I steal one from her every time they come to visit, which is only once or twice a year. She loves sports and her sons play lots of them. Kevin, her youngest, is my godchild. He wears glasses and is totally adorable. Her middle child, Kyle, is a lot like my middle one. They are both accident prone. Her oldest, Michael, is super smart. She is a good mom. Growing up, it was nice to have a sister one grade ahead of me. I never went to a new school alone. Most of the time she was nice to me. She is generous and kind, and a great friend. Love ya Tami !On another note, Brandi is feeling better today. The cream I put on last night worked great and we avoided a trip to the doctors office. She did end up staying home from school. I would have felt horrible if she started crying at school when she used the potty. Well, I guess that's about it for now. Tomorrow is payday-yeah, chinese food here I come! It sucks that we can only afford to go out twice a month, but I guess that's better than never. So, until tomorrow......keep smiling!!

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