Friday, April 20, 2007

Curiosity Killed The Cat, You Know

To satisfy my readers curiosity, I will tell you all a little bit about my brother, TJ. He is 3 years younger than me and grew up in a house with four sisters. As children, we fought A LOT!! As we got older, we grew closer. He spent eight(?) years in the Air Force. That is where he met his wife, Terra. They have three kid, Thomas, Tanner, and Tristin-Grace. I think my brother is a great Dad. He is raising his children in the church (wish I was, too) and thay are the cutest. TJ has a really good job and is still very involved in the day to day stuff that comes with having 3 kids. He has a killer sense of humor and when we get together we always have a great time. I hope our children become close as they get older, because I remember fondly the times I spent with my cousins growing up. So, I hope that my mystery reader is happy to know about my brother. Love you too TJ!For all of you Survivor fans out there, last night was pretty good. I am pulling for Yao-Man (however you spell it), but I don't see him winning. I should be pulling for Boo and Cassandra, as they share names with my daughters. Who knows. I also stayed up to watch ER. Needless to say, getting only about 6 hours sleep last night is not a good thing. At least I don't have to get up in the morning. I am going to try to convince Junior to go find some yard sales in the morning. Hopefully we'll find some good deals. I love finding good books really cheap. That's it for now. Until next time...

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