Friday, April 20, 2007

Those Were The Days

I remember a time when I could protect my children from the world. They were young, and as much as I hated the "terrible two's" at the time, I would give anything to have those days back. Now, every morning I send my children off to school where they must fend for themselves. It hurts my heart when I can't help them deal with all the little crapheads who say mean things to them. I never imagined how much it would hurt when you can't take away your childs pain. Today, my son came home from school with a note that he has lunch detention again. This is the third time since January. The first two times it was for talking, but this time it was for "fighting". It seems that he belongs to a "club" and this club was mad at another "club", and the "leader" told Ryan to attack another boy. (attack meaning pushing and shoving-thank goodness) He did. He claims that they were all just fooling around, but it scares me none the less. If he gives in to peer pressure this early, I am worried about what comes next. I was EXTREMELY angry and punished him for the entire weekend. My husband dissagrees with me. He thinks that it was just "boys being boys" because Ryan claims to be friends with the kid he pushed and that they were just fooling around. I hope that is the case. But while talking to him about what happened he mentioned (not for the first time) that some of the kids on the bus call him names like "faggot" and "gay". How can I help him not to hurt? I was a child once and I know how cruel kids can be. He says that he defends himself and says things back, but is that really the answer? Do I want him acting like the other kids? Do I want him to just sit there and take it? I don't know. Any advice would be helpful. On to other things. It was pointed out to me that what I write is a little too personal. Well, since this is kind of like a journal for me, I am going to write whatever the heck I feel like writing about. If I want to talk about my daughters infection, I will. If you don't like it, don't read it. Okay, that sounded really bitchy. Sorry. It is just that I was afraid of letting people read this in the first place for exactly that reason. I am typically a very private person, believe it or not. So please keep your negative opinions to yourself. Wow. I must really be in a bad mood. I can tell you a funny thing that happened today. As some of you know, my husband and my youngest daughter fight all the time. Not real fighting, but play fighting. She is 5 and doesn't hesitate to call her daddy snothead or boogereater. (I know, I know) His favorite is calling her used toilet paper. (please don't call social services on me, they do love each other) So today we are in the BiLO parking lot when he starts picking on her. So my super sweet child puts her butt against his leg and farts. Then announces it to the entire parking lot. I was so embarrassed. At least people laughed. Yesterday I wrote about my sister and today I wrote about my brother. Now my other sister wants me to write about her, so here we go. Cheryl is 6 years younger than me and lives in New Jersey. Growing up we were close. She spent alot of time with me and my then boyfriend since my parents were going through all their stuff at that time. It was very hard when they moved south and I stayed in New york. Even though I had Tami and TJ living with me, I wasn't as close to them as I was to Cheryl. When I finally migrated South I invaded her room and slept in her bed for months. She was the first person who knew about each of my pregnancies. She knew about my second child before my husband did! Last year she got married. It hurt so bad that I couldn't be there with her, but it is what it is. She also had her first child last year, cutie pie Matty. I don't get to see them nearly as much as I would like to. She is a good mom and friend. Love ya!I guess I have rambled enough for today. I am sure that if Colleen reads this I will have to write about her too, so stay tuned.....

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