Saturday, April 21, 2007

It's Gonna Be A Bad Day

I have a feeling that today is going to be a bad day. I stayed up last night to watch Deadliest Catch and then I didn't sleep good. I am so worried about my son. I know he is sorry about what happened yeaterday at school, but I still feel so helpless. I've been up since before six with a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I hate feeling like this. Junior will be home soon and we're gonna go find some yard sales. Maybe that will get me out of this funk. What else can I do besides go crazy? Ryan is such a good boy and this is so unlike him. I guess that is what is bothering me so much. The fact that he knew he shouldn't do what he did. That he knew it was wrong and hurtful, yet he did it anyway. Last weekend, one of the boys in his school was killed. It seems he was at a sleepover and the kids snuck out of the house around 1am. The other kids dared him to cross 85. He didn't make it. What if that had been my son? I'm sure that child knew how stupid it was to try that, but he did it anyway. I spoke to Ryan about that and he said he would rather be called a chicken than be dead. But who knows what he will do if he is ever actually in a situation like that. I know I have to believe that he will make good choices in life, but I guess it's my right as a mother to worry anyway. Well, my hubby just got home so I guess we're off to find some good deals. Please pray for me and my child. We need it.

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