Saturday, April 21, 2007

I Might Just Have A Good Day After All

My sister-in-law Terra is the best. You made my day!!!!I had fun this morning hunting for treasures. I did find a cute little table for $1. I also found two shelves that I'm gonna repaint and put in my girls rooms. $.75 each. I put pictures up top. I didn't find any books, the only person who had any wanted $2 for each, and even though they were hardbacks, that is a little high for a yard sale. Plus I'm cheap. I won't pay more than $.50. When we got home, Junior and Ryan went to put brakes on Nicole's car. I was sitting outside reading a magazine and listening to my ipod when I heard WHACK and then Boo screaming. It seems Kasi hit her in the eye with a golf club. Thank goodness she's okay, it's just a little red. Hopefully she won't get a black eye. I remember when my brother (also known as curious reader) hit my sisters friend the same way and he ended up with stiches. We were in Penn. for our Grandma's funeral. I'll never forget that. The poor guy only knew my sister for about a week and drove with us from New York. I bet he won't ever forget that trip either. Anyway, I let Zoe's kittens spend the day outside today. They are so cute chasing after the girls. I really hope I can find them all good homes. Sally's are doing good too. They are a week old today. Hopefully soon she'll stop hiding them. It's not fun to check under the beds every day.

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