Thursday, April 26, 2007

Is It Just Me?

Today Kasi brought home a volunteer sheet for PACT test monitors. Why? Do they not give the tests in class? If they do, where are the teachers? I always feel bad that I have to tell my child that I can not spend the day at school. But to be honest, I don't think she (or he) even wants me there. I go to all the conferences and programs, yet I still feel like the other moms don't think I do enough. There are moms who are at the school EVERY DAY!! I think I am involved with my kids educations. I make sure all their homework is done and that they are prepared every day. I believe kids need a break from us as much as we appreciate the break from them. Growing up, I don't ever remember my parents being at school unless it was a special occasion. We all turned out fine. Kids have enough pressure from their teachers, do they really need their parents breathing down their necks all day as well? Now don't get me wrong. I know the PTA is important. I understand the need for all the fundraisers. I just thinks that kids need space, just like adults. For example. Last week, Brandi didn't bring home a book on library day. I asked if she checked one out, and she said yes. When we went to pick up Kasi from fitness club that afternoon, Boo and I went in to see if we could find her book. Her teacher was still there, so we looked around the classroom and then went to the library. Brandi wouldn't even look at her teacher. She hid behind my legs and wouldn't say a word. Her teacher said that in class, Brandi is one of the most outgoing children there. The other kids fight over who gets to sit with her and play in the same center. She also said that most children act differently when their parents are there. If I was at school every day, I think it would hinder her more than I would help her. I don't know. I could be wrong. Any thoughts?Okay, on to other things. As I was preparing to grill pork chops on the grill tonight, I noticed one of the outside cats, Claire, breathing real heavy. You guessed it. Four more baby kitties. You would think I was trying to set some kind of record. We now have 13 kittens to find homes for. Then everyone is getting fixed. I am soooo over the kitten thing. The first couple times it was cute, now it is plain ridiculous. You all probably think I am being irresponsible, and I guess I am. I just don't have the heart to bring them to the shelter. Day 3 on WW. I used all my points today, and I also got on the scale this morning. I know it is probably water weight, but I'm down 3 pounds. YEAH ME!!!! That's some good motivation right there.

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