Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Poor Jordin. She thought she was going home. I gotta say that was pretty mean. My mom was watching. She calls me after Jack Black was on stage. She wants to know who Seal is. I tell her he's a singer. Then she wants to know who Jack Black is. I ask if she's been living under a rock. We laugh at how silly she is and hang up. When Rascal Flatts takes the stage my phone rings again. I answer. I say "please don't tell me you don't know who Rascal Flatts are", to which she replies, "I've heard this song and always thought it was a WOMAN who sang it". Oh my goodness. That must be a big rock she's been living under. But I love her anyway. Believe me when I say I am not being mean. My mom knows how silly she is.So today is day 2 on WW. I gotta say I feel pretty good. I have 1 point left for today, and I think I used my points wisely. Junior is trying hard too. I finally got him to eat a multigrain bread and use 1% milk. That is a very big step for him and I'm proud of him.Again, pray for my mom and Colleen to have a safe trip this weekend. I can't wait til they get back. They are bringing me REAL bagels. Those points will be well spent!!

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