Saturday, April 28, 2007

What A Mess

What was I thinking? We just got back from taking those stupid pictures. The photographers were set up in BiLo. The paper didn't have a time on it, so we went up there around 9:30. They didn't start til 10. We looked on the appointment sheet and saw that they had 1 person at 10 and then nobody until after lunch. So we leave and go back around 10:15. They now have 2 people there, just not the girl with the camera. She was running late. The guy in charge asks if we could come back in an hour, since they were already going to be behind. He asked that we leave our paperwork and money. So off we go again. When we return at 11:15, there are now 2 girls, and the guy is gone. The one girl, Hannah, hands me back my paperwork. She had written across it in marker that they were waiving our $10 fee because when she finally showed up, she had forgotten her camera and had to go back home to get it. So the original 10am appointment were just then getting theirs done. She asks me to sign the paper and put my phone number on it. I did. Then I told her that we had left our $10 with the other guy, and that she needed to refund it if it was being waived. She gets all flustered and says that she made a mistake and didn't have the money to give back, so she didn't know what to do. I asked when the other guy would be back so that we could come back to get it. She said he wasn't coming back at all and she would figure something out. So the kids get ther pictures started, after we waited another half hour. During this time, Hannah dissappeared. When she returned she said she had just spoken to the guy and he said because we didn't originally have an appointment they weren't going to waive the fee. I think this is B.S. because we did wait and she also had me SIGN SOMETHING saying they were waiving it. So, we get home and Junior calls the 800 number to see what he could do. They are closed until Monday. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. The pictures did come out cutethough. I snuck my camera into the room when I changed the kids. I added them up top. They aren't the best, but you'll get the idea.I am off to cut my grass. AH, me time!

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