Saturday, May 19, 2007

I Did It

(I tried to post this last night, but it said my site was down)I made it through. Last night, I wrongly stated that Kasi was among the sleeping. Not so much. I headed to bed around midnight. I could hear the girls, but not so loudly that I felt the need to complain. Fast forward to 3am. I wake up to doors slamming and girls screaming. They had decided to play hide and seek. Now, when I was a kid, the object of that game was to QUIETLY hide and try NOT to be found. I'm not sure what version they were playing, but it was anything but quiet. So I nicely told them to go to sleep. "Okay, we will" they innocently say. Yeah right! I hear them again around 5, then finally get out of bed at 6. All the girls are already dressed and waiting on breakfast. When I ask how long they slept, they just giggled. That's right, no sleep at all! I put them all to work carrying the stuff outside for the yard sale. Now that was a waste of time. I sat outside for 6 hours and only made about $30. Considering I only had 7 or 8 people stop, I didn't do too bad. I will have to try again after they fix our bridge so that we will at least have through traffic. Today the only cars that came down my road saw the signs and followed them. Hopefully we'll have better luck next time. ~Back to the party. The girls mostly got along, and they were all very sweet. Kasi has madfe good choices in friends. She got lots of presents and made lots of memories. This afternoon we had Mom, Colleen, and Terra over for hotdogs and cake. Since ti was Mom's birthday on Thursday, we sang happy birthday to her to. Jean stopped by but didn't stay. She said she had a headache. I wish she could have stayed, the kids love her so much. We did have a good time though. Tristin-Grace has cheeks you just want to bite off. Tanner is obsessed with Wal-Mart. He wanted to know where everything came from. He'd say "did you get it at Wal-Mart?". Soooo cute! Thomas has become such a little boy. He has lost his "baby" look, and just looks so grown up! And what more can I say about Carson? He is now sitting up by himself, and he just laughs! It's crazy how much I love those kids! So that's about it. I survived and will probably do it again next year. I know, I know. I'm crazy. It run's in my family!

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