Saturday, May 19, 2007

Chilled Kitten, Anyone?

Last night when Junior got back from fishing, he was cleaning the fish they caught. He asked Ryan to fix him a drink. He does. Junior then says he wants to go check out our fishing holes to see if people are catching anything at night. It's around 9:30, so off we go. Both girls were sleeping, and stayed asleep in the car. We stop at a store around 11 to get a drink. Junior and Ryan go in. I should say now that I am in my pajamas. Junior told me to get dressed, but I just through a bra on under my gown. (cause anyone who knows me will understand that these things MUST be contained in public) Okay, so they are in the store, and a guy walks past the car. Look in and stops. Motions for me to roll down my window. I do, but only a crack. He says "you live on Green River and you're Jennifer right?". I say, "yeah" and have no idea who this guy is or how he knows me. He says I used to work with his wife at McDonalds. Jamie. I remember her, sure. He says they bought a house down the block from us and have been living there for a year and a half. He said Jamie said great things about me (who wouldn't), but was timid about stopping and saying hello because it had been so long. She has waved in the past, but didn't think I had recognized her. I hadn't. I gave him my number and told him to tell her to call me or come by. They are expecting a baby girl. it will be fun to catch up! We ended up getting home arond 11:30. I go in the kitchen to get a drink and hear one of the kittens crying. Horribly. Likes it is in pain. I just can't find it. Following the cries, it sounds like it is coming from under the fridge. Junior is still outside, and I need his help to move it, so I went ahead and fixed my drink. I opened the fridge, and out fell the poor little kitty! When Ryan had fixed Junior's drink like 2 hours before, he had shut the kitten in there! Since we left soon after, we didn't hear his cries. The poor little booger was cold as ice! I warmed him up and he seems fine this morning. We will now count kittens before closing the fridge door!

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