Sunday, May 20, 2007

Monday Blues

I'm kinda in a funk today. Junior and I are fighting. I don't like to share my marital issues, so let's just say that he started it and he is wrong. When he decides that he wants to appologize, we'll be back on track. I'm also a little sad that the school year ends this week. I am excited to sleep past 6 in the mornings and to have the kids around more, but it also means that next year all 3 go ALL day. I don't know if I'm ready for that. I like my time with Brandi when the others are in school. What will I end up doing with myself? If I get a job we will loose our assistance. At this point, I wouldn't make enough to cover the loss of it. I probably wouldn't make enough to cover what Junior would have to pay out for health insurance. It's crazy how a man can work so hard for so little. Hopefully I'll still have Faith, so I won't be all alone. I need another kid or two to tend. That sure would fill up my day. I guess for right now we'll just worry about making it through the summer. My house is finally back to normal from all the parties this past weekend. I spent the morning watching The DaVinci Code. What a crazy movie. I can't believe there are people out there who actually believe that crap. That's just nuts. With all my Monday shows in reruns, I gotta find some good movies to watch. Either that or I go to bed at 8, and that's not gonna happen now that the kids don't have a strict bedtime. Oh well.That's it. Nothing else to say. Hopefully I'll be happier tomorrow.

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