Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Go Blake

I'm unsure about tomorrow's finale. I want Blake to win, but I have a strong feeling it will be Jordin. I am voting as I write and getting through way too often for Blake. I loved hearing him sing Bon Jovi again, even though it was better the first time. I didn't like Jordin singing Fighter, but she did good on the other two. Blake really sounded bad on the last song, and I have to agree with Simon that it was the style of the song, not so much him. Let's all keep our fingers crossed.Junior is at the hospital right now. The left side of his jaw has been hurting all day, and I thought he should have it checked out. I've heard that could be a sign of heart trouble. With his dad's heart being so bad, I don't think we should take any chances. I'm hoping it's an ear infection or toothache or something simple. So everyone reading, think good thoughts. We have made up. He finally admitted he was acting like an ass, and apologized, so it's all good. I'm hoping he will call soon. I wanted to go, but they don't allow children back in the ER, so I would be sitting in the waiting area anyway. So at least this way, the kids are able to sleep. Ryan and Kasi still have a half day of school left. So far, all the teachers have liked the gifts I made. I am going to try to clean out the pool tomorrow. That should be interesting. Two of the kittens went to be with their new owners today. I wasn't the least bit sad to see them go. Junior threw Sally outside and refuses to let her back in. I am a cat lover, but this one particular cat just got into everything! She has broken more dishes and eaten more of my plants than any other animal I have ever had. She would rumage through the trash and make a huge mess. She was worse than a dog! Now that her babies are eating and pooping on their own, she no longer needs to be inside. That about does it for me. Hopefully I will hear from Junior soon. Please pray that it is nothing serious. Good night!

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