Wednesday, May 23, 2007

And The Winner Is...

Jordin. No big surprise there. As much as I wanted Blake to win, Jordin is a great singer. I probably won't buy either of their albums anyway. I looked at the paper from the ER and the correct name is Parotiditis. Junior is feeling better. It's amazing what one day of antibiotics can do. I spent today doing nothing. After finally getting into bed after midnight last night, our power went out around 3am. Junior's BiPap has an alarm that goes of when it looses power, so that woke up the kids. Brandi was screaming cause it was pitch black. After lighting candles, she settled down. Of course we couldn't find any flashlights. Luckily the power came back on quickly, and we were all back in bed by 3:30. I wasn't going to get up with the kids this morning. They wanted to get ready by themselves. But Lori called last night and needed me to get Brandon on the bus. So I ended up having to get up. I did sneak back to bed until about 8:30, but I was still pretty tired all day. Boo didn't get up til close to 9:30. Faith was here most of the day. I didn't get out to the pool, but the kids are starting to complain, so I'll try to do it in the morning before it gets too hot. I will most likely need Juniors help, and he's been doing a job this week so he won't be here. Maybe between Ryan, Kasi, and myself we can at least get it moved and cleaned. Junior will have to help with the leveling. This is the 4th year putting it up, and it hasn't been level yet. It is supposed to be 4 feet deep, but we have been lucky to get like 2 1/2 feet. Just enough for the kids to swim under. I did better on WW today. I wrote down everything that went into my mouth. I didn't even use all my points. Hopefully I can continue like this for the rest of the week. I guess we'll see......

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