Friday, May 4, 2007

Pretty, Isn't It?

I am finally happy with the way my page looks. It's so pretty. Can you tell purple is my favorite color?I gave in. We had Chinese food for lunch. I had way too many points, so I get to eat very little for the next 3 days. I guess I'm entitled to a bad day every now and then, right? We'll see how much I pay for it on Tuesday when I weigh in. Brandi has started asking how many points are in her foods. It's quite funny.Tomorrow is yard sale day. It is supposed to rain at some point, I just hope it doesn't start until after noon. I need to find some good book deals. I have nothing to read right now. I am working on a layette for one of Kasi's teachers who is having a baby girl. They are giving her a shower at school in 2 weeks. Hopefully I'll have it done in time. I added some pictures of the teacher gifts I finished today. I think they came out great. I also found homes for 4 of the kittens. I am having my own yard sale in 2 weeks, and I'm going to put up a "free kittens" sign. Hopefully I'll be able to get rid of the rest of them. I got a bunch of things for Kasi's birthday party today. Brandi picked out trick candles for her cake. I need to make 2 cakes. One for the kid party and one for the family party. It's a good thing my fathers wife is making a cake for when they came over on the 14th. It gets crazy having to do seperate parties, but I don't want certain family members around other family members. If you are a child of a bad divorce, you know what I mean. The good side is that my kids celebrate their birthdays at least twice every year.Anyway, I guess that's about it for now. I'll let you all know if I find anything good tomorrow. Have a wonderful Friday!!

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