Monday, May 14, 2007


I gotta say I am extremely disappointed that Yau-Man didn't win. By putting his faith in a schmuck, he screwed himself. I was happy that Earl won. The only crap moment he had was voting out Yau, but it was also smart because he knew he couldn't win against him. It was also good that Cassandra and Dreamz didn't get any votes. At least the jury did something right. If I was Yau, I would have demanded Dreamz give back the truck. But that just shows how good a man Yau is.We went and met Jean and Del for a late supper last night. They are such good people. Jean had a bag with 4 new elephants in it for Mother's Day. That makes about 290. I'm gonna run out of room in my house soon. But I love then all!Enjoy your day!

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