Thursday, May 17, 2007

What Will I Watch Now?

As you may already know, ER is my show. The season finale was tonight, and I must admit it wasn't terribly exciting. Their "cliffhanger" pretty much sucked and their "OH MY GOD" moment has been done before. (Romano lost an arm years ago) It was unexpected, I will admit, but I am tired of the whole Neela love triangle. They need to move on. It also doesn't help that I still see John Stamos as Uncle Jesse. I keep waiting for Danny and Joey to walk into the hospital with D.J., Stephanie, and Michelle. Now that would be an interesting episode. I believe this was the last finale of this year for me. All my other shows have ended. I get to watch Deadliest Catch on Tuesdays now, YEAH! Wait, House hasn't ended yet. So that will be my last finale. It really doesn't matter and I'm sure you all couldn't care less.Anyway, I made some signs for my yard sale that Junior and I will hang tomorrow morning. I hope we get a lot of people who stop. We could use a little extra cash this month. Car taxes are due. Kasi's party is tomorrow night. She is soooo excited. She says most of the girls are still coming. It should be an adventure. I'll be sure to pass along all the details. Have a wonderful Friday. I know I will!

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