Thursday, May 24, 2007

Working Hard

The pool is almost up. Ryan and I worked really hard this morning getting it ready. We probably won't have more than 2 1/2 feet of water, but at least it will be cool. A couple more hours of water in the morning and it should be good to go. I got rid of 2 more kittens today. I was in the shower, and Junior answered the door. It was a kid asking if he could buy a kitten. Junior told him they were free so he took 2. Ryan and Kasi know him from the bus. So now I have 6 kittens left. Zoe's four and 2 of Claires. I also left Ryan and Kasi home alone today for the first time. We were only gone for like 90 minutes. They did okay. Didn't kill each other. My house wasn't burned to the ground when we got back. I would never leave them at night, but at least now I know they can manage if we need to run to the store. Those who know me, know what a big step that was for me. I hardly ever leave my kids anywhere. But being 10 and 11, they need to develop their independence. I have been talking to Ryan about spending some time at my brothers house. Terra's brother is coming to town, and she invited Ryan to come spend a week with them so her brother will have someone his own age to hang out with. So far, Ryan doesn't want to go. It's an hour away and he has a tendency to get home sick. I'm trying to talk him into it though, cause I think he would have a good time.That's about it. I'll be back tomorrow, God willing.

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