Friday, May 25, 2007

Alomst Saturday

It's late. I can't sleep. I'm tired, but sleep is not coming easily tonight. There's no reason. I'm not worried or stressed out about anything. I just took a hot bath, so maybe that will help. Who knows.Kasi's report card came in the mail today. Promoted to 5th grade. Yeah for her! They sent with it next years supply list. Holy cow! I'm gonna need to take out a loan just to get her stuff, and who knows what Ryan or Brandi will need. Ryan's report card hasn't come yet, but the last time I checked his grades online they weren't very good at all. He had to try out to be in chorus next year. I hope he makes it. He originally wanted to join band. I considered it, but was a little hesitant because of his ADHD. He lacks patience and is easily frustrated. He also lacks focus sometimes. Should I have encouraged him, knowing he wouldn't do well? Does that show a lack of my confidence in him? I just don't want him to fail. But at the same time, do I want to limit him? Either way, he decided against it on his own, so I never had to choose for him. I still don't know what I would have done. I hope he is happy with the choice he made. (I NEVER told him what I thought. He changed his mind on his own) Brandi is kinda stressing already about going to school by herself next year. We have the whole summer to work on that one. They had soooo much fun being in the pool today. Ryan doesn't realize how strong he is. He jumped on my back and almost broke it. Then he jumped on Kasi, and down she went. He is very rough, but I guess that's just him being a boy. He means well and is just playing. I just have to constantly remind him that he is not as little as he used to be. Anyway, I told Del this afternoon that I would sell produce for him in the morning. I really don't want to, but they have done soooo much for us that I couldn't say no. I'll have to bring all the kids with me since Junior already has other plans. He's been helping these two guys take down some trailers. He made a good bit of money this week. That's how we were able to get all the chemicals and stuff for the pool. Hopefully he'll continue to do well next week. It's almost midnight and I think I'm gonna try sleeping again. Have a wonderful weekend!

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