Saturday, May 26, 2007

20 Questions X5

I survived the produce selling. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I left there with money in my pocket and lots if fresh produce. Tomatoes, cantelope, onions, apples and bananas. I would have been happy with just the fruit and veggies, but Del insisted on paying me. The kids were good. I was happy until my ipod died. I guess it doesn't have full power since it was run over! It lasted about 4 hours. I told Del I would go back Monday after Faith leaves to sell for a couple of hours. I like being able to help.
I stole these questions from Carole, again, because she always has fun stuff like this!
001. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yes, a million times. It was my child!
002. Do your jeans have rips, tears, or holes in them? Sure, but only because they are very old.
003. What are you dreading right now? Doing the laundry. I am soooo behind.
004. Favorite country singer? Right now, Sugarland, followed closely by Keith Urban.
005. Do you celebrate 4/20? Should I? Is it a holiday?
006. What face cleaner do you use? Ivory soap.
007. When was your last doctor visit? A few years ago. I know, but when your fat it's embarassing.
008. Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep? I should now that school is out!
009. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? About 10 minutes. One of the benefits of hating make-up and refusing to wear it!
010. Firsts loves are never over? I think you will always love that person in a special way.
011. Think of all your exes. That's not hard to do since there are so few. All good memories though.
012. If anyone came over to your house on one of your "lazy days" would you go get ready real quick? Are there actually days that aren't lazy? I am the queen of casual!
013. Does your school have tornado drills? The kids school does.
014. Have you ever been on your schools track team? I would be thin if I was.
015. Do you own a pair of Converse? Not even sure what they are.
016. Who did you cut and paste this survey from? Carole
017. Do you eat raw cookie dough? Only if it's chocolate chip!
018. What color shirt are you wearing? None. I am wearing a purple nightgown.
019. What did you do for your last birthday? Spent the day with my family.
020. What time did you wake up today? Around 7:30.
021. What were you doing 3 nights ago? Watching the Idol finale.
022. Last time you saw your mom? Last weekend.
023. Do you like having your hair pulled? Are there people who enjoy that type of thing?
024. Are you cocky? Not often.
025. Shortest relationship? About two weeks.
026. Longest relationship? It will be twelve years next month. Who'd a thunk it!
027. Do you bite your nails? Only when I'm stressed.
028. Last gift you recieved? Brandi picked me flowers this afternoon.
029. Could you live without a computer? Probably, but why chance it.
030. Do you wear shoes in your house? Shoes, no. Slippers, yes.
031. When you watch movies in your house, do you turn the lights off? That depends on the movie. If it's scary, absolutely. Comedy, not so much.
032. Ever been given an engagement ring? Twice. My husband gave me one. Then on my wedding day, my mother gave me hers from my dad. I never take them off.
033. Ever dropped your cell phone? Don't have a cell. I live in my own world.
034. What do you do when you're sad? Cry, veg out on the couch.
035. Who would you call first if you won the lottery? I wouldn't call anyone. I don't want to share!
036. When was the last time you saw your best friend? As pathetic as this is, I don't have one. I have my sisters and sister's-in-law.
037. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? MY BOOBS!!!!!!
038. What sleeps with you every night? Brandi Rose and Oliver.
039. How many times have you been pulled over? None. That would require driving.
040. Who is the last person you texted? Don't do that. No cell, remember.
041. What is your favorite dessert? Dutch crumb apple pie. Yummy!
042. Is anyone on your bad side right now? There are a few, and they know who they are!
043. What jewelry are you wearing? Just my rings.
044. What is the first thing you do when you get online? Check my email.
045. When was the last time you worked out? Again, if I worked out, there would be no weight problem.
046. Do you watch Grey's Anatomy? Nope.
047. How do most people spell your name? Correctly. Unless they write Jen. I use jenn.
048. Do you wear your boyfriends/girlfriends clothes? Sometimes, when I have to do something messy and don't want to ruin my own.
049. Do you watch pro sports on tv? No.
050. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Starting these questions. They never end, do they?
051. What was the first movie that gave you nightmares? The original Halloween. I still can't watch that movie. Come on now, the boogey man in your house. Does it get scarier than that?
052. What is in your cd player? Sugarland - Enjoy The Ride
053. Name one person who made you smile today. I can't pick one. I smile alot!
054. What were you doing about 8 am this morning? Checking the blogs I like to read every day.
055. Do you know anyone who wasn't born in Canada? I don't know anyone who WAS born there.
056. Favorite names for a girl. Kasandra Barbara, Brandi Rose, and if I had one more girl she would have been Madilyn Christina.
057. Favorite names for a boy. The only boy name I ever loved was Ryan.
058. Will you keep your last name whan you get married? I didn't.
059. Your favorite restaurant you don't get to eat at much? I guess I would have to say Olive Garden. I ate there once about 12 years ago.
060. Do you buy your own school supplies? I buy for the kids.
061. Do you alreay have your school supplies? I actually bought so much last year, I do have some left over. Who could pass up 10 cent crayons and notebooks? I couldn't.
062. How often do you wash clothes? Every other day, at least.
063. How do you eat your steak? Medium rare. With lots of Italian dressing.
064. What is the farthest North you've been? Connecticut
065. How do you get to school? The kiddies ride the bus.
066. If you heard your phone ring right now, who would you expect it to be? Colleen. I've left like five messages today and she still hasn't called back.
067. What do you hear? I'm listening to my ipod. Right now it's Billy Joel.
068. Would you survive in prison? Absolutely not. I would rather die than be some woman's love slave.
069. Do you get along with your co-workers? I wish I had some. I hate mopping and cleaning the toilet.
070. When was the last time you said I love you and meant it? About 2 seconds ago. Brandi came in here to say she was going to bed. Lots of I love you's and hugs and kisses.
071. What song is playing right now? Baby, Hold On by The Dixie Chicks
072. If all your friends were going on a road trip, who would most likely over pack the most? Again, I have to pick a sister, and I would say Cheryl.
073. Do you know anyone with the same name as you? Surprisingly, no.
074. When was the last time you went clubbing? I would have to say, never
.075. What was the weather like today? HOT!
076. What is the next holiday you have off? The day after Brandi graduates!
077. What was the last movie you saw? The DaVinci Code.
078. What's for dinner? Tomorrow it will be BBQ chicken with pineapple, canteloupe, and corn on the cob off the grill. I know, sounds delicious. I will thoroughly enjoy it!
079. What's the last thing you purchased? A few groceries at Wal-Mart this afternoon.
080. What's your favorite gardening tool? My green clippers from my orange bag! (thanks, Tami)
081. Where's your cell phone? Probably at the cell phone store since I haven't felt the need to get one
.082. Is your phone on vibrate or ring most? Please refer to my previous answer.
083. Describe your underwear. I'm a big girl. They are definately granny panties!
084. Did you have breakfast this morning? Yes.
085. What's on your agenda for tonight? Sleep, if I ever finish this stupid thing!
086. Who knows you the best? My husband.
087. What brand is your digital camera? Sony Cyber-Shot.088. Do you smoke? Not in the last 6 years.
089. Are you ticklish? Absolutely. I'll even pee my pants. That's always fun.
090. Last person to text you. ????????????
091. What color is your bathroom? Purple.
092. What song describes your love life at the moment? I can't think of one off the top of my head. I'll get back to you on that one.
093. How old is your youngest child? 5
094. Your oldest? 11
095. Do you own expensive perfume? I can't stand perfume. It stinks, even the good stuff.
096. On average, how much do your jeans cost? It's been a while since I bought any, but I'd say $15 at Wal-Mart.
097. How many bedrooms in your house? Four
098. Are you taking college classes? Nope. I don't need to be any smarter than I already am!
099. What kind of car do you drive? I don't!
100. Would you rather sleep alone or with someone? I can't imagine sleeping alone. I don't even sleep in the same bed as my hubby ( he has a special bed for his back) but I can't sleep without Boo.
Finally done! That was alot of crap to answer. Hope you enjoyed the glimpse into my craziness!

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