Thursday, June 7, 2007

Another Day, Another Dollar

I am happy today. I ordered some books last week and they arrived this afternoon. I have already started Brother Odd by Dean Koontz. Pretty good so far. This is the third book about Odd Thomas. I like when authors continue to write about good characters. Hopefully I will finish this one in the next day or so. We were slow today, so I was able to read at "work". This crazy woman stopped by today. She is one of the women who live in the neighborhood and has come by before. She embarrassed the CRAP out of me today. While she was there, an older man stopped by. She asked him if I was his wife. When he said no, she said, and I quote, "Did you just stop to admire the eye candy?". I could have died. I told her she needed to go on. She thought I was kidding. When Del got back I told him and he said to tell her that she isn't allowed in his yard the next time she came by. I don't want to be mean, but she ran off that one man, and that's not good for business. Anyway....We were in the pool a bunch this morning and then when we got home. It was 7:30 by the time we got back, so we swam and now I'm fixing a late supper. Kasi went down to Gladys' house (Anita's Mom) to have a "camp out" with Nikki. They did this last year and had a ball. I hope they have a good time tonight. So I'm off to go read my book. Good night and sweet dreams!

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