Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Change Of Plans

I am finally feeling a whole lot better! I spent most of the day in the pool, it was the perfect day to swim! Junior and Ryan went to Del's to finish cutting grass, and found out that Del changed his mind yet again and we will be selling produce. He is now investing even more money and putting up a tent and looking into buying a trailer. He had Junior wire up the building, so the kids will now have someplace cool to play and eventually watch tv. I will store extra produce in there as well. Hopefully he will let me run it, because the man is as sweet as can be, but when he is there, he gives away more than he sells. He has a huge heart. We have also postponed the zoo trip AGAIN!! This is getting ridiculous. (is that even spelled right?) Mom heard it is going to be in the 90's, too hot for her to walk around in. Like it's going to be getting any cooler? We are 2 weeks into summer vacation. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. The girls love playing with Faith and Ryan is gone with Del or Junior every day. So far, so good!

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