Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Getting To Know Me

I sent these out as an email as well, so I do expect to get them back!
1. Have you ever faked sick? Yes, when I needed a day off of work. Hasn't everyone?
2. What was the last lie you told? I don't lie. It's too easy to get caught in one.
3. Have you ever cried during a movie? Yes
4. Have you ever danced in the rain? No, but as a teenager I did walk home from work with a bunch of girlfriends at midnight in the middle of a storm.
5. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes, but nothing serious.
6. What is your full name? Jennifer Lynn
7. How old were you when you recieved your first kiss? 16, pathetic, I know.
8. Who was your first kiss? Chris aka Skippy
9. Have you ever said "I love you" and not meant it? No
10. What's your favorite childhood memory? Spending the summers with my favorite Aunt.
11. Do you believe in karma? yes
12. What are you afraid of? Loosing the people I love.
13. What is your greatest strength? I am a good listener, and contrary to popular opinion, I CAN keep a secret.
14. What is your greatest weekness? Food.
15. Do you get along with your family? My family, yes. My in-laws, sometimes. (except you Anita, you're my best bud)
16. Do you play any instruments? I played the viola in school. Don't know if I still could.
17. Have you ever broken a bone? NO, but I have sprained and bruised myself many times.
18. When's your birthday? Feb. 4
19. Do you make wishes on shooting stars? I don't think I've ever seen a shooting star, but probably would if I had the opportunity.
20. Have you ever mooned or flashed somebody? Unfortunately, yes.
21. Have you ever laughed so hard you peed your pants? Absolutely!
22. Would you ever have sex before marriage? I will be married 12 years on June 22. My son will be 12 on Nov. 6. You do the math!
23. Do you have a collection of anything? The last time I counted I had over 275 elephants.
24. Are you happy with the life you have? Without a doubt!

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