Tuesday, June 5, 2007

It's All Over Now

I'm feeling a little better today. I have been doing some housecleaning, and even attempted to get in the pool. With all the rain we had over the weekend, the water was freezing. Add to that the breeze and clouds, and it was not a good pool day. Especially since I'm not wanted to get sicker. So I spent the majority of the day on the couch again. Faith didn't come today. Junior and Ryan were gone all morning and most of the afternoon, so the house was pretty quiet. Junior said Del decided to stop the produce business. As soon as he sells what he has, he's done. I'm a little dissappointed. I liked getting out of the house. But I'm also relieved because it was tough on the girls. My yard work has been slacking. I haven't cut my grass in weeks. I hope to be well enough by this weekend to do it. The new roof is done. It looks so good. I'll try and post some pictures as soon as I take some. I think we are going to try and go to the zoo (again) this weekend. Sooner or later we'll end up actually going. Happy Birthday Lori! Hope you have a great day!Oh, I almost forgot. I weighed this morning and nothing! I guess I should be happy. While I've been sick, I've wanted comfort foods, which I haven't counted points for. I'm sure I did horribly, so I'm glad there was no gain. I see a pattern of good week, bad week. I need someone to kick my ass back on track! I watched that new show Army Wives last night. It looks like it will be interesting. I am trying to find new things to watch each night. I really hate repeats. Deadliest Catch is new tonight, but that's not on til 9. Any ideas??????

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