Monday, June 4, 2007

Baby Steps

I'm making progress. I was up most of today. I went and paid some bills with Junior this morning, but didn't get out of the car. Just being in the heat wiped me out. I slept for about 3 hours this afternoon, which means I will probably be up most of the night. I don;t want to take any more NyQuil, I still feel a little woozy from the dose I took Saturday. I do not do well with medicine at all. Anyway, I didn't go to Del's today, and I'm not sure if I'll go tomorrow. I did have Faith, but since we were in the car all morning, I didn't have to do much with her. Ryan was in Columbia with Del, so we just had the girls and they were all sooooo good for me. Kasi watched Brandi while I napped. Yesterday Junior and Ryan went fishing and it cost me 5 bucks for Kasi to babysit while I slept. Today she didn't ask for money and I didn't offer. The kid is getting expensive! I have a wonderful husband who takes care of me while I'm sick. That said, my house is a mess! It looks like a tornado came through. When I got up this morning, the girls were eating waffle sticks. They wanted cereal, but all the bowls and spoons were dirty, so instead of washing some, they ate something else. Insane! I have dishes piled to the ceiling waiting for me. It amazes me that it doesn't occur to any of them to wash them. I guess I shouldn't complain, they did let me rest for 2 days.I really don't have much else to say. Being stuck in bed sucks, and it's boring. I still can't take a deep breath, but at least I'm not coughing up a lung every 5 seconds. Maybe I'll have more to say tomorrow.......

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