Friday, June 22, 2007

Fridays Are Supposed To Be Good Days

I have officially become a produce girl. Not exactly sure how it happened, but it did. We're not talking pick a tray produce, today I graduated to "by the pound". It's not all that easy. Especially when there are people waiting. Yup, I had people waiting today. It's also the first day I made over $200 all by myself. YEAH, GO ME!Without going into the specifics, I will no longer be keeping Faith. It is probably for the better, but I'm gonna miss the little bugger! It also means that I will be doing the stand all day, every day. I can't complain though. Today I made $30 for 6 hours. Not bad. Junior took a week off starting the 9th of July, so I hope to be able to save the money I make so that we will be able to do something fun! My sister's are coming the first week of August, and I'm excited about that as well.I felt bad about myself this morning, and it took me quite a while to get out of my funk. Junior, the kids and I went to Taco Bell for lunch to celebrate our anniversary. 12 years today. Wow. Anyway, I felt a little better after we ate, and as the day went on I was okay. Now I'm good. I have accepted what I can not change, and I have decided that I do not need to worry about what others think. Yeah, right. I do feel better, and I will be even better tomorrow. Happy thoughts!

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