Thursday, June 21, 2007

$4 Each, 2 for $7

I gotta tell ya. I am so tired of making signs. The prices change more often than the days. I will say that we had the stand looking good today. Tomorrow Del is going to get the license and permit, so the stand is here to stay. He told me today that I shouldn't worry about money. He said when he makes money, I will make money. Good money. I think I'm making pretty good money now. I work when I want, I get to bring my kids, and I get free produce. Plus he insists on paying me every day. I keep telling him he pays me too much, but he doesn't listen. I didn't end up with Faith today. She didn't want to come, so Nicole let her Mom keep her. I spoke to her before and she said she'll bring her in the morning. It will be good to get back on track. I am a very "routine" person. I don't like change. It makes me very anxious. I like things the same all the time. I panic if Junior mentions quitting his job. When he left TA, I was a wreck for weeks. It was for a better job, and a smart change, but still. If I have plans and they change, I go nuts. Crazy, I know. I accept it. It's who I am.My kids were so good today. Having something for Ryan to do every day is wonderful. He is such a big help. Growing up too fast. And responsible. And respectful. Wow, I must be a really good mom. Honk, honk!! (that was me tooting my own horn!) Anyway....I'm off to find something to eat. Have a marvelous evening. Enjoy your Friday!

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