Thursday, June 21, 2007

A New Day

I hope today is a good day. I woke early and couldn't fall back asleep. I have this major zit coming out on the side of my face. You know the kind that hurt. It's not fun. The girls are still sleeping, but Ryan is up. I finally spoke to Nicole last night, and she said Faith was not herself all day. Faith said I made her cry because I tried to get her to take a nap. I tried to get her to lay down AFTER she started crying. Oh well, water under the bridge. I hope today she is in a better mood.I also spoke to Del last night and I'm sooooo happy. He said he had a good day yesterday and made around $200. That's the best Wednesday he's ever had! I guess Tuesday morning's just aren't going to be good. I hope, hope, hope I do good today. I feel bad since this is the first day, besides the 3 hours on Tuesday, that I am able to go up there. He didn't mention my new signs, so I hope he liked them. I used velcro this time so he would be able to change the prices without ruining the signs. They look pretty good, if I do say so myself!I guess I need to get motivated this morning. I have some hemming to do before I go to work. There's also a movie I want to watch. Yesterday I watched "Last Holiday" with Queen Latifah. It was pretty good. Today I want to watch "Scoop' with Woody Allen and Scarlett Johansen (however you spell it).Have a beautiful day!!!

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